Saturday 21 April 2007

KIDS (that revolting pointless movie we watched!)

wow... that movie didnt make me think differently, infact i thought it was revolting & pointless. the 'kids' in that movie are far too young to even be thinking about sex!! in the movie the first girl who lost her virginity looked no older than 12, i know its just a movie but what on earth is she doing with a 'boyfriend' at that age,plus he's in her bedroom and shes in her underwear!!???.. im 20 and although the thought of having wild passionate sex with Fredrik Ljungberg runs through my mind every second of every hour of every day.. im proud to say i am still a virgin.
.. in the movie the girls seem to want to sleep with the main character Telly,because they believe he has feelings for them, yet in real life young girls (and guys) sleep with eachother regardless of their feelings towards one another, it seems as though the experience of having sex is much more important than what it actually means to have sex. obviously in reality this all depends on family background and values, how and where the child was brought up and what kind of childhood they lived. ofcourse, even those kids who are from a family of good values, manners, affluency etc etc do these sort of things but much less than the counterparts. the movie also involved alcohol and drug abuse but was mostly based around sex. Telly's side kick Casper was drunk almost through out the whole movie, all the characters in that movie seemed to have no life whatsoever besides sex,alcohol and drugs.
the ending for me was very disappointing as it gave no closure at all!! Jennie (the one who finds out she contracted aids from Telly) doesnt even confront Telly when she has the oppertunity, instead she gets raped. the speach that Telly makes at the end of the movie about sex is all he has, and if it was taken away from him he would have nothing.. all i can say is what a load of bollocks!
the movie was just stupid and i saw no point to it, we all know this happens to certain people in certain places, why broadcast it even more, by showing it, its like saying it is acceptable. ofcourse every parent worries about their child in terms of drug/alcohol abuse,sex etc, no matter how good or bad their child is. how an earth can a parent and child watch that movie together??.
it seems like the aim of this movie was controversary, and it was at the time when it was released. but in todays society if a movie like this was made, i doubt anyone would care.


Monkey and banana said...

one of the points was to shock you into thinking how youns some people have sex. national average is like 15 years. it is not even supposed to be erotic. i also wonder what's wrong with you personally.

Monkey and banana said...

There you go...

> what do u mean 'u wonder whats >wrong with me personally?'...
> there must b some thing wrong >with u mate, if ur asking such a >stupid question.

see below

> yes that movie was meant 2 b >shocking but it was revolting >rather than shocking, it may shock >parent but not the younger >viewers. people should have sense >and know thats things like this go >on in society, open ur eyes!!

that's revolving because you didn't get it. you took it as movie about sex, but it's a movie about [really really really screwed up] kids, really. this way you might as well say that Tarantino's movies are not pleasant cuz there's too much violence. maybe you rushed too much to view this movie.

> and the age of consent is >actually 16 years but it doesnt

The statistics is such that the average person in the US has sex at 15+ years these days. hard fact.

>mean u cant wait till AFTER that 2
>have sex. losing ur virginity and
>having sex is supposed to be >something special not some random >thing that you do every day..

exactly. the fact that by the whopping age of twenty you haven't that somebody / etc to make it special means there's something wrong...

yeah and if you were to answer it right here i'd still see it, and your readers would be able to follow. maybe you being so full of anger ... well nevermind. have a good night.

April 27, 2007 5:09 PM

Monkey and banana said...

there you go, just insulted the chinese but somehow imply it is unacceptable to insult your own beliefs. hmmm. btw, chinese did this eons ago, as far as i know. (did you know capital letters go for screaming? hmmm you must be the real people's person.)

yes, i was not in your head, but i can make a judgment from your post and then come up with little provocation if i wish. that's the beauty of communicating. you didn't post that piece so that ppl just rush to you with their approval. oh wait, you did, didn't you?

>you seem like the person who is a
>bit too liberated and open minded,
>you need some sort of control to
>stabalise yourself from being so
>hyper-excited and accepting to

on the whole 'too liberated' thingy. sweetie, now you haven't been in my head either, have you? :)) trust me i have quite a stable personality, in fact quite far from your typical liberal junkie type. there's quite a journey you have to go to get yourself a backbone, but it's worth every step. if you run for help to some outside sources every time you got an issue, that's stability of cattle in a stall.

what you are throwing at me here are your ready-made and spoon-fed arguments for suppressing one's will, which you picked up well i wonder where.

i am grinning non stop that my "stupid ass comments" popped you out of your box for a short little while. ;-))) do you still think the 'Kids' have no 'popping out of the box' value?

Bet you i can always write a post longer then yours.

Truly Yours

Monkey and Banana

Anonymous said...

I'm affreid i'll have to give my support to mokey and banana. His opinion is close to mine although I think it's not just a film abot screwed up kids. The movie caries important universal massage that you have to by responsible to be truly free.

Anonymous said...

Good words.

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im a football fanatic, i love arsenal their footballing ways are orgasmic.