Thursday 19 April 2007

Is there such thing as being TOO RELIGIOUS?

When the lecturer began the lecture with a quote from the Bible i did not find it offensive although i felt as though he was only speaking out to certain people in the room (those who follow Christianity). When we were asked to voice our opinions on what we thought of that, quite a few were not happy with it.

I almost always get stopped when im out in town by followers of certain religion trying to get me to listen to what they have to say about their religion. i do not find anything wrong with that as long as they take no for an answer the first time without being so persistant.
I thought this lecture was far the best, yet i found that many individuals considered it offensive in some way because they got up and left. i dont think anyone can be TOO religious, those who are very religious good on them. they are devoted to a certain way of life and appecriate what God has blessed them with. I think being religious is a good thing because it can keep you out of trouble such as being drunk, violence etc. Im pretty sure many relgions do not condone this behaviour, so being too religious or just religious at all is a good thing.

I am a Muslim, i'm not too religious although i know what my religion tells me about what i should and should not do. I would never preach my religion to anyone unless i had to defend myself if someone else was preaching their religion to me. i would not consider 'terrorists' as too religious as they are not following a religion at all, i have no idea what made up version of Islam they follow!! islam should not be associated with terrorism in anyway because they do not have anything to do with eachother whatever the media says! the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him was in a situation where a Jew entered the Mosque and began to urinate inside it, People were about to take hold of him but the Prophet said to them "Leave him alone and throw a bucket of water over his urine, for you have been raised to deal with people gently and you have not been raised to deal with them harshly."

personally i dont think there is anything wrong or weird or dodgy about being too religious, infact i think people are not religios enough!!

(WOW i think this my shortest blog ever!)


Jade said...

I agree with what you said about some religious teachings often encouraging us to behave in a better way( not being violent etc) and i feel that religion is vital to many of us in giving us a sense of belonging, identity and unity.I was bought up in the christian faith but as i have grown up i have become less and less religious, i find myself wondering if it is right to follow religion- there are thousands of religions and we can't all be right- what do you think? do you think it is ok simply to try and live a good and honest life, without believeng in one particular version of the truth?
I also agree that people use religion to justify terrorism and general badness like genocide- this is wrong, every religion i know teaches us to love others and respect thier veiws even when we do not always agree- I think that was a good point for you to make.

Monkey and banana said...

religion is needed so long as you cannot hold yourself upright with your own spirit. that's no surpise that most religious people will think that not being posseses and indocrinated with their particular teachings will make you an immediate killer, robber, rapper or whatever their personal favs. there are endless reasons to be humane. find them within yourself and you will be stronger for life.

About Me

im a football fanatic, i love arsenal their footballing ways are orgasmic.