Wednesday 11 April 2007


i hadn't realised that make up, haircuts or any minor change(s) to the self was classed as 'body modification'.

i dont quite agree with permanant body modification, if it is certain peircings then that is fine because you can remove them but having them in places like your throat and back are quite weird and dont understand why anyone would want to do that. i fail to comprehend the idea of peircing the genital area of men or women. piercing another part of the body say the tongue or bullybutton or nose are way different, because to look at, they are not so bad or make you want to 'cringe', it basically comes down to personal taste.
tattooing is much different as it usually represents something that is close to the heart, however with time, the feelings we have towards the object that we are close to may dissappear. for example Pamela Anderson had her husbands name TOMMY tattooed on her wedding finger but then they divorced, and so had it changed to MOMMY but then they reunited and she had TOMMY back on there.. and then they split... you get the idea.

i think maybe one or two tattoo's are ok, but having your whole body tattooed is pretty stupid and dont know why anyone would want to do that. Firstly, God has given us this body so shouldnt we atleast take care of it and APPRECIATE it in its original form?.. in my religion Islam, it is forbidden to tattoo ourselves anywhere or in any form, only Henna is allowed which is temporary and lasts about a fortnight. i think that some tattoo's are sexy but i would never get one done simply because it is against my religion. some individuals have pictures of Jesus Christ and Bhudda or religious symbols tattooed on their arms, although they are not part of MY religion, i still think it is in a way disrespectful to Jesus Christ, Bhudda ETC and people who follow them religions because those tattoo's are meant to be considered religious leaders who were looked upto and having a mere tattoo of them on the arm or wherever disregards who they are and what they did. although it is in fact a RECOGNITION of what they did, it just becomes a trend to some individuals. For example my friend is hindu but wears a cross, many christians are devoted to their religion and wear their cross with pride and perhaps seeing a person wearing it just for the sake of fashion/trend devalues the cross or any other religious symbol/person.

As a student of psychology, it seems that heavily tattooed and peirced individuals are in the extreme zone of aiming not to be a clone of everyone else, hence that person is really not themself,they are who they are without the modification and should just learn to accept it.
why would anyone want to be tatttoed and peirced all over?.. perhaps it is a sense of control they get from modifying their body. it probably gives them some sort of power and recognition/attention which they would fail to get otherwise, it could be an act of rebellion. or it could just be pure passion, ive seen plenty of fella's with the england flag and a british bulldog tattooed on their arm or leg and in football matches we always see big hairy men with tattoos of their football club, anyone who watches match of the day should know the Portsmouth supporter John Westwood who has the tattoo's of PFC tattooed all over his body, ive actually seen him in real life...hes scary!
we are entitled to our own opinions without offending people and only those who have modified their bodies really know the underlying truth behind the question WHY.. and im pretty sure theres not just one answer neither is there a right or wrong answer.

1 comment:

andy webb said...

hes a joke

About Me

im a football fanatic, i love arsenal their footballing ways are orgasmic.