Thursday 10 May 2007





What is your degree subject (both if joint)?

Psychology Bsc.

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?


If so, how? And if not, why not?

it looks at deviancy and topics which psychology attempts to understand and explain such as tattooing, religion and gambling.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?

personally i think it was too easy, in that note making and revising was not required which is a good thing!

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?

yes, one or two were not really 'bad', such as being too religious and bad comedians because these things are becoming more acceptable.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?

yes, honour killings, football hooliganism, hitting children/domestic violence, other life forms such as vampires/witches/ghosts/aliens.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?

no, other students kept talking and laughing and it was difficult to hear the lecturer and other students voice their thoughts.

What did you think of the module team?

some of them were lifeless and boring and could not command the class, but some such as Mark made the lectures more interesting.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?..YES
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? YES, but some people kept going on about themselves and bringing personal issues into the lecture as an example, it was emphasised too much and the lectures became like a shrinks room!
Information and talk from lecturers? YES

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes, it allows you to understand the main subject you are studying when actually you are learning something different.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?

yes, they broaden the horizon.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?

yes, but i would have understood more if people would shut up when the lecturer was talking..

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?


Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?

if i can choose an elective, i will definatley consider PH2004

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?

yes i would

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?

yes they were because you can voice your opinion without being shy about them, in the lecture room a person may be less confident to say what they feel.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?

i thought they were appropraite but the word limits didnt allow me to write to the best of my ability.

What have you learned from the module?

that we shouldnt judge people who are different to us.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?

body modification, it taught me something i didnt know, such as their origins... also infidelity was interesting as it went in depth.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?

the KIDS movie, you can read my blog on in to know why..

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’

Its the end of the module now, and im kinda sad because its been a change from having boring lectures sitting on my arse and trying to quickly jot down notes from the projector screen before the lecturer clicks it over to the next page... however i will not miss it so much because i wont have to stay till 8pm yay!

this module has been enlightening as it has taught me about the different types of individuals which exist in society and how they are portrayed. because i have studied sociology and psychology i do have an open mind which made it pretty easy for me to accept the things which were presented within the lectures such as masterbation and being too religious, some topics which made people get up and leave.

i think we should have had Mark for most lectures because he was a laugh (though he couldnt get the class to shut the hell up!).. all the other lecturers were good too

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About Me

im a football fanatic, i love arsenal their footballing ways are orgasmic.