Tuesday 6 March 2007

i n f i d e l i t y


1.Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a spouse.
2.An act of sexual unfaithfulness.
3.Lack of fidelity or loyalty.
4.Lack of religious belief.


firstly it is difficult to define infidelity due to the fact that many individuals have many different views on it.. for example many fail to come to a conclusion whether a one night stand is cheating or not...well is it really?..
i think it is... whether it is a kiss, a quick shag in the car or a 3 year affair... i even think that having feelings for another male or female whilst with a partner is a form of cheating..

for moi infidelity when a person is married is different to when a person is not.

personally i think it is fine to cheat on a partner as long as they dont find out.. 'what they dont know wont hurt them' is my motto.. ive never been with a guy long enough to call him my partner probably because i have cheated on all of them. for me its boredom because i get bored senseless with just the one guy. with two or even three (the more the better) theres much more variety, fun and experimentation.. Who knows? they could be doing the same behind your back... but thats all about trust and 'love'.. but if u 'love' the person.. there would really be no reason to cheat on ur partner.. ive been with 2 guys who both 'love' their girlfriends.. yet they were both with me at the same time as their girlfriends...
i think their idea of love must be distorted...

Yet my views are extremely different on married individuals with or without children, because both have taken the vow or promise infront of God to be faithful to one another. this comes into play with the 4th/last dictionary definition in that it is a lack of religious belief. because if we truly believed in God we would not sin by cheating or being infidel. most religions if not ALL consider infidelity in any term or situation a SIN..ANDDD many religions forbid sex before marriage or even having a partner which u intend to shag or have physical contact with is a sin.. so being a 'cheating, potential non-virgin' is an even BIGGER sin..!..

i understand that my views are kinda twistedish and contradictory (is that how u spell it??...) but my mind is a weirdo.. i blame my id, ego and superego aswell as freud and psychology who have messed up my mind big time!

As an Arsenal supporter its plain to see that Ashley Cole is an infidel..this is a classic story of love and infidelity.. (not really...but i like to think it is..!)
he was a boy who came from a family of hardcore arsenal fans, he was one himself!
.. he started playing at the arsenal academy and worked his way up the ranks to become one of the best players in England as well as for Arsenal themselves...he was a Gooner through and through, the fans loved him and the club valued him and vice versa. but one day he must have woken up and realised that this love was not enough for him so his heart along with his legs trotted across london to stamford bridge... how did this all happen?? was Ashley bored at Arsenal??? WHY?.. he was at one of the most succesful teams in England, there were up and coming young players and which fool would give up the chance of playing in the same team as thierry henry.. that fool has a name.. and its name is ASHLEY COLE!
... he went behind Arsenals back.. the manager..his team mates.. the loving fans... he teamed up with the scum...he met up with the moron known as jose mourinho and peter kenyon the chelsea manager and director or whatever his stupid useless job is.. they tried to lure him in and ashley did noting to stop them or put an end to the situation... When this became public knowledge, everytime he played in the Arsenal shirt the fan booed him just like he deserved.. he had the nerve to say that the fans dont love him...im sorry but would you like us to welcome you with open arms u traitor?... he eventually left the club.. he said it wasnt for the money.. well what was it for then?? success? how on EARTH does chelsea's 3 fa cups and 3 league titles compare to arsenals 13 league titles and 10 fa cups??..chelsea's success is temporary... arsenals is permanent...it was all about the money.. arsenal offered him £55,000 a week but he wanted £60,000.. so along he went to chelsea.
he had the nerve to blame arsenal for the whole situation..HOW THE HELLL...... he said they did not protect him.. anyone with half a brain cell would know better!!.. protect you from what you brainless freak??.. every single player could be in the same situation as you... no-one is to blame for your actions but your self you useless prick.

the moral of this story is...
  • that love and devotion withers away with time (not always) and that no matter how faithful you may think you are.. any eye can be attracted to something that they shouldnt be...
  • people always take others for granted and then one day it comes and pinches u in the nipples..
  • also that someone else is always to blame no matter how stupidly daft you may look or sound.. which ashley cole most definatly did..
  • we can also draw from this that ashley cole is a two faced betrayer who cannot justify his actions with his stupid biography that i wouldnt even let my cat shit on.. and that he will regret the day he left and turned his back on arsenal football club.. i hope this comes back to bite him on his fat ass.. i also hope that his injury against blackburn is the begining of his punishment.. like justin timberlake sings...

'what goes around....comes back around...'

if and when love withers away.. will a person sit around and say that 'this is life?.'.. i doubt it.. many will look for something appealing and satisfying.. it seems that cheap thrills and materialistic things is what makes people happy...infidelity always has a reason no matter how silly or little or insignificant it may be... the root of infidelity is something that we know not of because if could be many many different things..
ive read that there is a possibility that there could be an infidelity gene... my personal views is that it is bullpoo anyone can be a victim or criminal of infidelity despite dodgy genes..


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorena_Bobbitt <------this one is a good laugh!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s556imFuXdc <---- the Justin Timberlake 'what goes around...' vid-vid





Pragati Rana said...

OMG, that's so long, i agree that if u 'love' the person you should'nt be cheating, and i can;t believe u've cheated on so many guys, the poor things must be devastated! Anyway, i like ur pics, especially the 1st one! I totally think Ashley Cole should get his butt back to Arsenal!


wow, I love your blog, Ashley cole is a sell-out to be fair, a good example of betrayal!
I agree with what you said at the start, there are many forms of cheating and I guess that even having feelings for someone else can be cheating, also looking at pornography for that matter must be cheating too. I really think that if a couple loved each other they would be able to communicate to each other well enough to prevent infidelity.

About Me

im a football fanatic, i love arsenal their footballing ways are orgasmic.